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  • Age 3-5 / 6-8 / 9-12 | 
  • Family

Forced to leave their home because of the war, Dounia, her grandfather Jeddo Darwich and her grandmother Téta Mouné take the migrants’ route. But before leaving Aleppo and their home, Dounia takes a few nigella seeds and keeps them preciously in her pocket.

The refugees’ journey is fraught with all kinds of pitfalls. Along the way and in the face of obstacles, Dounia will make good use of her prodigious seeds. Drawing on the roots of Dounia’s culture, each of the seeds will release a magical force – and above all Dounia’s powerful imagination – that will enable the characters to overcome the obstacle. And at the end of their journey, the family will finally find a home in Canada.

The Storydome proposes stories told in situ by a storyteller who enhances their words with immersive 360˚ illustrated projections inside a human-sized dome.

Duration : 40 minutes


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